International Research Journals
- ACM Inroads, ISSN: 2153-2184, URL: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=J1268
- ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), EISSN:1946-6226, URL: http://toce.acm.org/
- Computer Science Education, Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 0899-3408 (Print), 1744-5175 (Online) : http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ncse
- Education and Information Technologies, Springer, ISSN: 1360-2357 (Print), 1573-7608 (online), http://www.springer.com/computer/general+issues/journal/10639
- IEEE Transactions on Education, ISSN: 0018-9359, URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=13
- Informatics in Education - A Journal of Eastern and Central Europe, ISSN 1648-5831, URL: http://www.mii.lt/informatics_in_education/
German Research Journals
- Informatica Didactica - Zeitschrift für fachdidaktische Grundlagen der Informatik, ISSN: 1615-1771, URL: http://www.informatica-didactica.de/
International Practice Magazines
- Hello World, Raspberry Pi Foundation, URL: http://www.helloworld.cc
German Practice Magazines
- LOG IN - Zeitschrift für informatische Bildung, Informatikunterricht und Didaktik der Informatik sowie Computer in der Schule, LOG IN Verlag, ISSN: 0720-8642, URL: http://www.log-in-verlag.de/ (Biblionetz)